Inaction or fate?


Hindu students sitting in a classroom are reminded that they were the villains that lead to Muslims depending on dividing the once-great Indian empire in each History textbook they come across. Where stories of valiant Muslim acts go, they are not unaccompanied by equal mention of Hindus being their inherent enemies. With enmity towards Hindus and other minorities ingrained into our educational and penal systems, it’s no surprise that more and more minority based violence can be swept under the rug as they look for the refuge promised to them by historic laws.

The resolutions that were made by the All India Muslim league before independence gained tremendous traction from sections of Muslim minority in the sub-continent. The historical Lahore Resolution passed in 1940 earned support from a fair number of non-Muslim minorities in the region. The Lahore Resolution had made categorical commitments to protect the rights of minority groups…

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Published by mahrukhtk

A little this way, a little that way. 24, Aries, Media Student at NUST. Busy in self-discovery!

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